
读了一篇科技博文, 作者长篇大论探讨了为什么苹果产品引起如此多的憎恨, 有人极端憎恨苹果, 也有人极端憎恨那些憎恨苹果的人,等等. 他顺便谈到了民族主义, 或者说爱国主义:

People tend to be blind to bad things they’r familiar with, butoverly critical of bad things they’re less familiar with. This isthe source of nationalism, for exanmple.

Most people think their own country is better than others. Sinceall countries can’t be objectively “better” than all othercountries, nationalism is only possible by the inflated importanceof good things about your own country, and a diminished importanceof bad things.

确实, 这正是爱国主义的根本原因, 也是为什么它如此病态和短浅的原因.

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